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The 5785 Beth Aaron Yom Kippur Appeal

We at Beth Aaron understand what it means

to be unified in support of our kehilla.


We ask that you consider matching or increasing the contribution you made last year.

With the month of Elul here and the Yamim Noraim quickly approaching, we are launching this year’s Yom Kippur Appeal.

We at Beth Aaron understand what it means to be unified in support of the kehilla. Despite the significant challenges faced by our members and the greater community both here and in Israel, we remain unified in our mission to serve the community.

Building upon prior years’ success, we are once again asking our membership to participate in our communal efforts to match or increase the funds raised last year. Just like our members, the shul is not immune to rising costs, specifically in areas such as security and in the daily maintenance of our mikdash me'at. It is more critical than ever that we come together individually and collectively to support our shul in this campaign to ensure the shul's continual growth and success,

Aside from reaching our financial and operational goals, we are focused on reaching our communal goal of 100% participation of our membership. Any amount you can pledge and donate is greatly appreciated and will help us reach this important and very achievable milestone. We respectfully ask for your commitment now, before the Yamim Noraim season begins, to help inspire the broad participation of our vibrant and dedicated Beth Aaron community.  

We understand that not everyone will be able to increase their donation or even contribute as much as last year, but we want to keep our focus on this special opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to the success of our kehilla

As we enter the season of teshuva, tefillah u-tzedakanow is the time for you to join us in sharing responsibility for the continued success of Beth Aaron. Only through the support of committed members such as yourself will our shul be able to continue to thrive and grow. 

We thank you for your consideration, and we extend a heartfelt Yasher Koach for all your past support. With Hashem’s help and your continued support, we will reach our participation and financial goals in 5785. 

We wish you and your family a כתיבה וחתימה טובה.




Pledge and/or pay online

To better serve our members and donors, there are three options for donating to the Yom Kippur Appeal:

  1. Make a donation in full
  2. Make a donation and have it charged to your account, and set a recurring donation to be spread out over a few months
  3. Make a pledge to your account for billing later (you must be logged in to ShulCloud to use this option)



Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785