Mishloach Manot
This year, we are sending each of you beautiful mishloach manot that you will really enjoy. The cost is only $4 a name, with a maximum charge of $185. To continue online, you just need to log into your Shul Cloud account! The deadline for signing up is March 14, 2024.
Please join us and the rest of our community in this great project.
For questions about online ordering, or if you don't feel comfortable placing your order online, please contact Yacha Singer at yacha@mo-b.org or 201-836-4040.
Gabrielle Silverberg & Debby Sheffey
Sisterhood Co-Presidents
Aliza Fischman, Valerie Kahn & Yacha Singer
Help Sponsor this Great Project!
It’s Purim time again! As usual, the Sisterhood is planning to send sponsored mishloach manot packages to all members. This is one of our main fundraisers of the year, from which we subsidize many programs for our shul, including providing necessary items, funds and services to our congregants in their times of need. This year, we are sending each of you beautiful mishloach manot that you will really enjoy. At the same time, we are trying to keep our goal of helping those in need at the forefront of our minds. We are taught by the Rambam that tzedaka begins at home. A large portion of our proceeds will be donated directly to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund to help people in our shul.
In the Purim spirit of giving tzedaka, we are opening up sponsorship opportunities to you, our members. There are varying levels of sponsorship, all of which will help the Sisterhood continue to provide chessed to community members in need. Please consider adding any of the amounts listed, or another amount, to the cost of your mishloach manot.
So how can I help? Deliver!
We have a fantastic Mishloach Manot package planned for you this year! As such, we want to make sure that everybody gets a chance to enjoy it. This will only work, though, if people sign up to deliver. Routes have been set to be as easy as possible for deliverers and the packages have been especially designed to be easy to handle, so it should be easy for you to take as many as your trunk and schedule can fit! If your teen is involved in helping, we will be happy to provide a chessed letter upon request. The more people who sign up, the fewer each person will need to deliver.
We always need drivers! Pickup will be Tuesday, March 19th from 7-9 p.m. and on Wednesday, March 20th, from 7-8 p.m.
Click here to signup for a pickup slot
Chessed hours will be given to teens who deliver.
Contact Valerie Kahn, kahnclan01@gmail.com, if you can help in any way.
Thank you so much and happy Purim!
So sign me up!
First make sure you are logged into the Beth Aaron website and then click below!